Monday, July 15, 2013

Mid-June 2013: Second Blood Test Results

I got the second blood tests back on June 11, after the blood test was taken three days before. I was anxious, but I had calmed myself down and prepared myself that the tests would be low and prove, once again, that I had not ovulated.

I got the phone call from my GP's nurse practitioner early in the morning. She was bright, cheerful, and gleefully told me that my results were "NORMAL!!!" I was shocked and ecstatic. I confirmed that she mailed me my results and then proceeded to have a gloriously happy day. I was normal. My body was ovulating. I could do this!

When I got home, I looked at the results.

The nurse practitioner told me the wrong results. I wasn't normal. My progesterone was .72, which was even LOWER than it had been last time (remember, normal = above 10). It was even on the low end for the early phase in my cycle, which, for normal people, is between a 1 and 5. I was FURIOUS.

I called the nurse practitioner back first thing the next morning. You could tell that she didn't know what was going on and how to read the results because she started fumbling.

Finally, she recommended me to another doctor, a new Gynecologist!  Thank goodness.

This doesn't take away from the fact that I was LIVID. It wasn't like I was getting some innocuous test results back. I wanted to know if my body was naturally doing what it should, which would greatly impact my ability to have children. Of COURSE I wanted results that weren't screwed up!

I immediately called the new doctor and made an appointment. Crazily enough, I was able to call on a Wednesday and get an appointment for Friday. Whew. Finally feeling proactive.

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